Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Six of Swords – comparative…

After all the fiery stuff I wrote about yesterday, today was all Swords.  I actually pulled the 4 of Swords for today and as I cut the deck, the 3 of Swords slid out behind it.  When I put the deck back, the 6 of Swords was the shadow card on the bottom of the pile.  The significance of the 4 today was pretty obvious as I had not been feeling well for a bit and needed a little time in quiet reflection to centre myself.  The 3 also was pretty clear: it is my personal “card of the year” (yeh, great, NOT) and it was giving me a nudge about some stuff I need to let go of.  However, the 6 of Swords was the one that really jumped out and was the card I decided to work with.

The Cosmic Tribe 6 of Swords is definitely not conventional: nothing like the RWS for example and not a boat in sight.  However, as I have been spending loads of time on the computer recently and I am having technical problems with the beast, the blend of circuitry and blue sky really caught my attention.  It seemed to be reminding me to strike a balance between the creative push I am having online, and getting outside into the fresh air.  I remembered that the lwb calls this card “Interpenetrating Worlds” which is nothing like the more traditional meanings.  A quick glance at a comparison between the 6 in all the decks I own, shows how differently this card can be interpreted (Cosmic Tribe is in the bottom right):


Osho Zen, in the top left, calls this card “The Burden”.  Now, if you focus on the man rowing in the RWS, his passengers could seem to him to be a burden, although most people focus on the woman and child when analysing this card.  The Goddess deck in the top right has nobody steering the boat and the Arthurian, bottom left, just shows an empty boat and focuses more on the “journey” aspect of this card, than the potential problems and issues of the people who are undertaking it. 

If you compare more decks, the 6 is shown with even more, quite wild interpretations.  Unfortunately, due to potential copyright infringement, I cannot show you a picture of the decks I do not own that I compared for my journal.  However, here is a list and a very brief description, plus a link where you can view it in most cases:

Thoth: A geometric arrangement of the 6 swords pointing to the centre with a cross and a grid of lines behind.  The cross suggests “faith” to me.

Bohemian Gothic: The passenger in this boat seems to be asleep in the boat, giving a dream-like feel to the card.

Sol Invictus: The oarsman in this boat is seated whereas the passenger, a naval officer, is standing, hand on heart, as he is rowed towards an island: a mermaid guiding the way.  I wonder if the native who is rowing, regards his passenger as a “burden”.

Healing: This card has the key word “determination”, which is demonstrated by the upright posture of the person rowing the boat and the way he is looking straight ahead at his destination.

Robin Wood: The boat on this card is swan-shaped providing a graceful passage for the traveller.  A ghostly figure watches the boat – maybe the past haunting him?

Phantasmagoric Theatre:  I can´t find an online image of this card, which is a pity because it is perhaps the strangest of the bunch.  A happy looking figure stands on the top of a tower and waves 6 swords overhead.  From the base of his tower, a staircase spirals up to another tower.  A door is open at the top of these stairs and a dejected figure looks down the stairs.  I haven´t a clue about this card and if anybody has the deck and can enlighten me, I would be really pleased to hear from you!

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

A of W again & something “pops”…

…I draw the Cosmic Tribe Ace of Wands for the second time in 4 days and yesterday´s card was the Knight! 
I realise that with the passing of Mabon last week, I should now be into the Hallowquest realm of Cups.  I didn´t even give it a passing thought; no ritual, no acknowledgement of the date even.  Equinox and full moon were almost ignored in this household.  I am still using the Cosmic Tribe deck and the very fiery Wands are demanding my immediate attention.
Alright, alright … I´m paying attention now.
When I drew the Ace on Saturday, I felt my Queen of Swords aspect trying to assimilate the card´s  significance with intellect alone.  Drawing the very cheeky Knight yesterday must have given me the necessary spirit to, at last, receive the message.  I´ll be honest, when the Ace came out this morning, I felt disappointment.  I am quickly bored and when I decide to draw one card a day, I like it to be different. There are 78 cards to chose from, so I think it´s reasonable to expect a card that hasn´t come up for a while. 
I didn´t give it too much thought at the time; I just got on with the morning.  I had some seeds to sort out first thing, for planting later.  I therefore had to move a box that had been gathering dust in the corner since spring.  That prompted S. to clear out that corner; which in turn, inspired me to take everything off the dresser and give it a long-overdue wash-down…
…and that´s when I heard the “pop” – or rather sensed it.  Some people may have said “something clicked into place” because suddenly it felt like I had completed a major part of the puzzle.  I remember now that I skipped the Wands Hallowquest at Litha; “not up to it physically” was the message from Merlin and the Stone Realm.  The Sword Knight didn´t think that I was up to the tests and challenges of the Lands Adventurous and I agreed.  Physically, I am sedentary by nature, which makes it crazy that I live in a place like I do, that demands so much more than I feel able to give.  What changed the situation was August´s Boom Festival – the most physically demanding thing I have done since I don´t know when.  Walking 10+ km a day, every day, for a full week, is the equivalent of a year´s exercise for me (I´m ashamed to admit).  Completing it was like an initiation test (there is so much more I could say on this, than I am prepared to write about now). 
No wonder the Wands started to show up in force from the last moon cycle that started with the New Moon in Virgo on the 8th September: the Queen, Princess and Prince (twice), as well as the Knight yesterday, Ace twice and the Two, plus Death, which in this deck is also surrounded in a halo of fire – I think this is pretty clear.  Working with the Wands (Spear realm) now should help to burn up some physical energy and with the Death card (my card, as I am a Scorpio), can at last clear away some of the stagnant energy that has been holding S. and I stuck for some time.
I now realise that I am continuing to work on the Hallowquest course, even when using other decks.  I have read the book enough times and attempted to complete the course for 10 years – the course work is inside me now.  It integrates with the other study I do; Christine Jette´s “Tarot Shadow Work” and Gabrielle Roth´s “Maps To Ecstacy” are two I am using at the moment.  This is why I felt moved to bring all the tarot-related posts under this blog – it makes sense now.  I have done enough of the deep digging that Scorpios are noted for and can now begin to pull the work together into a whole.  Wholistic!

Sunday, 26 September 2010

The Queens and Me…

Top-1 …I am:

Queen of Disks – when I am aware of my physical needs and am fully in my body.

Queen of Cups (my astro. significator) – when I am aware of my emotions and let them flow freely, accepting them and not judging them.

Queen of Swords – when I use my mind and do not let ego cause me to succumb to mind using me.

Queen of Wands – when I follow the excitement, because she is the essence of my pure spirit.

Ace of Wands…

Top …I´ve been drawing a study card daily from the  Cosmic Tribe deck since the last new moon.  Yesterday´s draw, the Ace of Wands, suggested creativity to me and taking this tarot related blog on a slightly different path.  Instead of restricting posts to study work from Hallowquest: The Arthurian Tarot Course, I have decided to widen it to include any tarot work at all; readings, study decks, inspirations, ideas for my own deck etc.

In future, I will not be including any tarot related posts on my other blog, Way Past 13 Moons.  Rather than moving old posts across, I include here a link to a list of all past tarot entries on that blog, for anyone who may be interested.