Sunday, 28 November 2010

Eight of Wands...

I was really drawn to this post today, from Victoria at Moon and Blackbird. 
Moon and Blackbird: Sunday, November 28, 2010

The words were perfectly suited to inflamed creative muscle that I am flexing at the moment.
Expect things to start moving pretty quickly in your life. You're currently involved in some sort of a project, possibly of a creative nature, and you'll want to throw yourself into it wholeheartedly. This is a time of extreme action: physically, mentally, and intuitively, and you'll now be able to put your ideas into practical motion. The time is ripe for accomplishment! Your creative energy is at an all-time high and right now you're able to channel it exactly as you need it to be manifested. This may mark a time in your career where advancement is possible, or perhaps this is just an incredibly productive and positive period of time for you. This card indicates success is just ahead so be sure to use this incredible energy and its momentum to their fullest.
I love the look of the Cosmic Tarot too - such a lovely, dream-like colour scheme.

Friday, 19 November 2010

End of the 3 of Swords year…

…I just realised that since Samhain and my Scorpio birthday are both now long passed, I can officially close my 3 of Swords year. 

The photo is of the little fetish I made as a personal symbol / touchstone and my first ever, self-created tarot card.

altar JRT 001

I can certainly say that I have learnt a good deal from crossing the Hallowquest “Bridge of Loss”.  Learning to let go has been the theme of the year.  I´m not there yet but I am on the right road and walking in our labyrinth ensures I stay on it:

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Journal Clip – Grail 4 / 4 of Cups…

…more clips from my journal.  This one, a timely reminder for the mood I´ve been feeling recently; like nothing I do is worthwhile.  I find that re-dressing my altar renews my spiritual focus every time.


The clip says:

When your ideas are stagnant, return once more to your spiritual programme.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

More thoughts on the 2/3 Spears/Wands…

…from my journal:

Understanding the difference between the 2 and 3 of Wands. The 3 shows how I am when I have confidence in my creative abilities: the world is open to me and I am assured. I send out boats (my ideas etc.) into the world to do my talking for me. However, sometimes I am dissatisfied with my capabilities and feel trapped by my situation. I look at what I have achieved and am totally unimpressed by it. That is when I am in the 2 mode of thinking.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Journal Scan–The Moon …

First of a series of regular scans from my journal; tarot/oracle related on here and anything else on my 13 moons blog.

The first one shows teachings from The Arthurian Moon card.  This is a journal style I used to use frequently but, for some reason, less so now.  I would quickly sketch the card in the archway, meditate on it, then draw a speech bubble with the card´s Daily Words of Wisdom or Advice.


The Moon is saying:

Be patient.  You will learn all you need to know but this only comes with time.

Spear/Wands Two & Three Confusion / Comparison…

…Just a photo post to start with, as this is an unfinished exercise.  I always have confusion between the Spear Two and Spear Three from my Arthurian Tarot:


If that weren´t enough, I can extend the confusion to the Two and Three of Wands from other decks too; seen below, the comparative cards from all my decks: centre - RWS xl; top -  Arthurian; upper right & upper left– Goddess; bottom – Osho Zen, bottom right & bottom left – Cosmic Tribe.


If anyone can recommend a pair of cards from another deck that really makes the meaning and difference between the Two and Three crystal clear, I would really appreciate knowing about it.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Arianrhod Spread–creative expression…

…my starting place for analysis of this reading:
I got the paper and glue out for the following reasons:
  • my Samhain card was the Otter (Joy, Play, Helpfulness) and therefore give mySelf permission to Play around with this reading and be original with it.  From thence I anticipate feelings of Joy to arise and expect that the reading will be more Helpful to me.
  • the reading can last all year i.e. the central card plus one other, for each sabbat of the year ahead.
  • I can add to it whenever I have a passing thought about the cards.
  • it becomes more sacred because it will sit on my main altar all year.
  • it will give me a focus for my sabbat rituals and something to update my readers with throughout the wheel of the year.
  • it´s colourful and the images are beautiful.  It should create a focus of interest when my friends visit.
By the way - I rather like these trimmed photocopies of the cards.  Although the original cards do have a pretty border, I find them distracting.  I think I will trim the cards someday as I believe it will make them easier for me to use.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Samhain Druid Animal Reading…

…Instead of picking up my tarot deck for a New Year reading yesterday, on impulse I opened up my Druid Animal deck.  Although the images on these cards are lovely, I rarely use the deck, so they are still a bit special.

I was wondering whether to use them the same way as I would have done with a tarot deck i.e. one card for each month, November to October, plus one card for the whole year.  After flicking through the “layouts” section, I discovered and used the Arianrhod Spread, which was just perfect.

The Arianrhod Spread

Arianrhod is the Druid goddess of the wheel, the circle and the spider´s web.  The spider is a creature whose web symbolises the Web of Life.  Sacred to the Goddess, she represents the process of weaving – another idea that is central to Druid ritual and teaching.

In this spread, the first card – representing the Self – is laid in the centre, and eight cards are laid in a circle around this, in a sun-wise sequence that starts in the NW at the place of the Druid New Year, at Samhuinn.

The reading may be used to gain insights for the year that is to come*, or to review the year that has passed. It is ideal for an annual reading on one of the festival days, such as Samhuinn – a traditional time for divination.  The sequence of eight cards may relate to a cycle of time other than a year.  Imagining the cards spread upon a web or wheel, pay particular attention to the relationships between the cards.

*I decided to use this for the forthcoming year.  I also thought that, rather than getting bogged down with studying each card in detail now, that I would look at each festivals´ card, and its´ relationship with the central “Self” card, on the appropriate season.  That way, I can incorporate the reading into a sabbat ritual and bring the reading to live as the new year unfolds.  Here are the cards I drew:


Central / Self card Adder**: Transformation, Healing, Life Energy

Samhain Otter: Joy, Play, Helpfulness

Yule Raven: Healing, Initiation, Protection

Imbolc Salmon: Wisdom, Inspiration, Rejuvenation

Ostara Fox: Cunning, Diplomacy, Wildness

Beltane Bull: Wealth, Potency, Beneficence

Litha Crane: Secret Knowledge, Patience, Longevity***

Lammas Owl: Detachment, Wisdom, Change

Mabon Hawk: Nobility, Recollection, Cleansing

**I literally gasped in amazement when I turned this card.  How perfect for someone who calls herself Vipera Kernewes!  This is a wonderfully synchronous card to draw in the Self position.  In my other animal deck - Medicine Cards, I have Snake within on my totem pole.  I live with snakes around me and have been gifted many precious snakeskins by Sister Snake.

***As I was typing, I felt drawn to link this to the Arthurian Tarot´s High Priestess, The Lady of the Lake, which uses crane symbolism.

Adder Nathair

Nathair offers healing and transformation.  Its ability to glide into the darkness through crevices in the rocks connects it to the Under or Otherworld and the realm of Death.****  It is the totem animal of the earth goddess and also the Sky father Sun God and represents our ability to die and be reborn.  The energy that enables us to be born on earth is sexual energy, but this also necessitates our death.  Befriending adder or snake power will enable you to journey through life gracefully and magically, shedding your old life easily when the time comes – whether that old life be of the physical body or of a stage in the present incarnation.

****Death is my astrological tarot card, as I am Scorpion.

Otter Dòbhran

Dòbhran invites us to play, to “go with the flow” of life and experience – to become a child again.  Allow yourself the freedom and pleasure of relaxing and letting go of all your daily concerns.  Dòbhran could be prompting you to take a day or a weekend out of your usual routine – to do something purely for fun.  Your practical self may tell you you cannot afford the time, but deep down you know that you need to take care of yourself to be of real value to others.  Someone may even be coming into your life who will show you how to play again – something you may have forgotten as you accepted the responsibilities of growing up.  Dòbhran shows us that being playful can even lead us to catch the salmon***** – the fish prized by the Druids as the totem of wisdom.  Drawing this card also confirms in us the sense that we are truly protected.

*****Looking ahead to Imbolc, it looks like that is when I will have the opportunity to catch the Salmon – and what a perfect time for some “rejuvenation”!