Saturday, 23 June 2007

Solstice ceremony of the Spear Hallow

Of the four seasonal ceremonies laid out in Hallowquest, I have only ever done two of them to my satisfaction. I did the Spring Equinox, Sword ceremony in 2004 and the Spear ceremony on Thursday's Solstice. I need to know that I won't be disturbed and, even living in a quiet place as we do, I am shy that my husband or far worse, someone else, will see me waving Swords (a penknife!) and Spears (a stick!) about chanting to the four directions. I am a novice, solitary witch (self taught) and I'm fairly sure that "bruxas" would not be too welcome in this traditional region of central Portugal. :-o

I judge a tarot session satisfactory when I get a real sense of moving forward, gain a new insight or have one of the cards speak to me like a real person would. On Thursday I got that. During the invocation and visualisation of the Spear Guardian, Arthur aka The Emperor, I asked his advice relating to some personal problems with my chosen lifestyle on our quinta. He told me very simply and directly to do the Mabon's Gateway spread for an answer. This I did later and it was clear and helpful. I will publish the reading in my next post.

I really should be more open and brave with ceremony. I have the ideal place to do it. Immediately behind our home are some beautiful, ancient and friendly rocks and there is a large flat stone, perfect for an altar. On Thursday, as Sim was in the UK leaving me on my own, I got up a daybreak and went for it!

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