Sword King had come up in a reading last weekend - telling me some unpleasant home truths actually. Today, he was a little kinder in this pairing with Spear Three:
The Arthurian Sword King sits on his stone throne on top of a green hill, from where he can survey his lands. The hill is where petitioners bring their pleas for justice. He wears a lilac robe and blue cloak, fringed with gold. The unusual silver crown on his head forms an up-pointing triangle like the divine masculine principle. The Sword King looks directly out of the card and holds up the sword, with its' hilt centred in his hara. His face is stern but not severe. He has very fair long hair, beard and moustache. He appears completely focussed.
The highly polished sword acts as a mirror to the petitioner, reflecting back the sometimes uncomfortable truth. With the blade close to his ear, Sword King hears its' song. This is the song of the Earth itself, as the King upholds the justice of the Goddess of the Land. He will speak his mind in the most direct manner but only in service to the needs of the Goddess. He is not vindictive; rather caring actually but in a pragmatic and direct way.
Rather than waste his words today, he instead leads me to Spear Three, where a broad pathway, indicated by a spear placed at its' start, leads beneath the beech woods. Sunlight filters through the tree canopy high above - there is nothing to fear here. This path is easy, clearly defined and safe. To walk this way in mindful meditation would allow the mind, untroubled by wordly burdons, to find the creative spark that sets us off in new, inspired directions.
What the Sword King seem to be offering is some practical and kind advice: "Instead of allowing your mental processes to overwhelm you, leading to your request for clarity and justice, get out into nature. Find its' open paths and by walking them discover new, creative answers for yourself. The Goddess sings not only through my sword but in other ways more accessible to you at this time. Listen for her in the whispering of the leaves of tall trees."
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