Sunday, 28 November 2010

Eight of Wands...

I was really drawn to this post today, from Victoria at Moon and Blackbird. 
Moon and Blackbird: Sunday, November 28, 2010

The words were perfectly suited to inflamed creative muscle that I am flexing at the moment.
Expect things to start moving pretty quickly in your life. You're currently involved in some sort of a project, possibly of a creative nature, and you'll want to throw yourself into it wholeheartedly. This is a time of extreme action: physically, mentally, and intuitively, and you'll now be able to put your ideas into practical motion. The time is ripe for accomplishment! Your creative energy is at an all-time high and right now you're able to channel it exactly as you need it to be manifested. This may mark a time in your career where advancement is possible, or perhaps this is just an incredibly productive and positive period of time for you. This card indicates success is just ahead so be sure to use this incredible energy and its momentum to their fullest.
I love the look of the Cosmic Tarot too - such a lovely, dream-like colour scheme.

Friday, 19 November 2010

End of the 3 of Swords year…

…I just realised that since Samhain and my Scorpio birthday are both now long passed, I can officially close my 3 of Swords year. 

The photo is of the little fetish I made as a personal symbol / touchstone and my first ever, self-created tarot card.

altar JRT 001

I can certainly say that I have learnt a good deal from crossing the Hallowquest “Bridge of Loss”.  Learning to let go has been the theme of the year.  I´m not there yet but I am on the right road and walking in our labyrinth ensures I stay on it:

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Journal Clip – Grail 4 / 4 of Cups…

…more clips from my journal.  This one, a timely reminder for the mood I´ve been feeling recently; like nothing I do is worthwhile.  I find that re-dressing my altar renews my spiritual focus every time.


The clip says:

When your ideas are stagnant, return once more to your spiritual programme.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

More thoughts on the 2/3 Spears/Wands…

…from my journal:

Understanding the difference between the 2 and 3 of Wands. The 3 shows how I am when I have confidence in my creative abilities: the world is open to me and I am assured. I send out boats (my ideas etc.) into the world to do my talking for me. However, sometimes I am dissatisfied with my capabilities and feel trapped by my situation. I look at what I have achieved and am totally unimpressed by it. That is when I am in the 2 mode of thinking.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Journal Scan–The Moon …

First of a series of regular scans from my journal; tarot/oracle related on here and anything else on my 13 moons blog.

The first one shows teachings from The Arthurian Moon card.  This is a journal style I used to use frequently but, for some reason, less so now.  I would quickly sketch the card in the archway, meditate on it, then draw a speech bubble with the card´s Daily Words of Wisdom or Advice.


The Moon is saying:

Be patient.  You will learn all you need to know but this only comes with time.

Spear/Wands Two & Three Confusion / Comparison…

…Just a photo post to start with, as this is an unfinished exercise.  I always have confusion between the Spear Two and Spear Three from my Arthurian Tarot:


If that weren´t enough, I can extend the confusion to the Two and Three of Wands from other decks too; seen below, the comparative cards from all my decks: centre - RWS xl; top -  Arthurian; upper right & upper left– Goddess; bottom – Osho Zen, bottom right & bottom left – Cosmic Tribe.


If anyone can recommend a pair of cards from another deck that really makes the meaning and difference between the Two and Three crystal clear, I would really appreciate knowing about it.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Arianrhod Spread–creative expression…

…my starting place for analysis of this reading:
I got the paper and glue out for the following reasons:
  • my Samhain card was the Otter (Joy, Play, Helpfulness) and therefore give mySelf permission to Play around with this reading and be original with it.  From thence I anticipate feelings of Joy to arise and expect that the reading will be more Helpful to me.
  • the reading can last all year i.e. the central card plus one other, for each sabbat of the year ahead.
  • I can add to it whenever I have a passing thought about the cards.
  • it becomes more sacred because it will sit on my main altar all year.
  • it will give me a focus for my sabbat rituals and something to update my readers with throughout the wheel of the year.
  • it´s colourful and the images are beautiful.  It should create a focus of interest when my friends visit.
By the way - I rather like these trimmed photocopies of the cards.  Although the original cards do have a pretty border, I find them distracting.  I think I will trim the cards someday as I believe it will make them easier for me to use.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Samhain Druid Animal Reading…

…Instead of picking up my tarot deck for a New Year reading yesterday, on impulse I opened up my Druid Animal deck.  Although the images on these cards are lovely, I rarely use the deck, so they are still a bit special.

I was wondering whether to use them the same way as I would have done with a tarot deck i.e. one card for each month, November to October, plus one card for the whole year.  After flicking through the “layouts” section, I discovered and used the Arianrhod Spread, which was just perfect.

The Arianrhod Spread

Arianrhod is the Druid goddess of the wheel, the circle and the spider´s web.  The spider is a creature whose web symbolises the Web of Life.  Sacred to the Goddess, she represents the process of weaving – another idea that is central to Druid ritual and teaching.

In this spread, the first card – representing the Self – is laid in the centre, and eight cards are laid in a circle around this, in a sun-wise sequence that starts in the NW at the place of the Druid New Year, at Samhuinn.

The reading may be used to gain insights for the year that is to come*, or to review the year that has passed. It is ideal for an annual reading on one of the festival days, such as Samhuinn – a traditional time for divination.  The sequence of eight cards may relate to a cycle of time other than a year.  Imagining the cards spread upon a web or wheel, pay particular attention to the relationships between the cards.

*I decided to use this for the forthcoming year.  I also thought that, rather than getting bogged down with studying each card in detail now, that I would look at each festivals´ card, and its´ relationship with the central “Self” card, on the appropriate season.  That way, I can incorporate the reading into a sabbat ritual and bring the reading to live as the new year unfolds.  Here are the cards I drew:


Central / Self card Adder**: Transformation, Healing, Life Energy

Samhain Otter: Joy, Play, Helpfulness

Yule Raven: Healing, Initiation, Protection

Imbolc Salmon: Wisdom, Inspiration, Rejuvenation

Ostara Fox: Cunning, Diplomacy, Wildness

Beltane Bull: Wealth, Potency, Beneficence

Litha Crane: Secret Knowledge, Patience, Longevity***

Lammas Owl: Detachment, Wisdom, Change

Mabon Hawk: Nobility, Recollection, Cleansing

**I literally gasped in amazement when I turned this card.  How perfect for someone who calls herself Vipera Kernewes!  This is a wonderfully synchronous card to draw in the Self position.  In my other animal deck - Medicine Cards, I have Snake within on my totem pole.  I live with snakes around me and have been gifted many precious snakeskins by Sister Snake.

***As I was typing, I felt drawn to link this to the Arthurian Tarot´s High Priestess, The Lady of the Lake, which uses crane symbolism.

Adder Nathair

Nathair offers healing and transformation.  Its ability to glide into the darkness through crevices in the rocks connects it to the Under or Otherworld and the realm of Death.****  It is the totem animal of the earth goddess and also the Sky father Sun God and represents our ability to die and be reborn.  The energy that enables us to be born on earth is sexual energy, but this also necessitates our death.  Befriending adder or snake power will enable you to journey through life gracefully and magically, shedding your old life easily when the time comes – whether that old life be of the physical body or of a stage in the present incarnation.

****Death is my astrological tarot card, as I am Scorpion.

Otter Dòbhran

Dòbhran invites us to play, to “go with the flow” of life and experience – to become a child again.  Allow yourself the freedom and pleasure of relaxing and letting go of all your daily concerns.  Dòbhran could be prompting you to take a day or a weekend out of your usual routine – to do something purely for fun.  Your practical self may tell you you cannot afford the time, but deep down you know that you need to take care of yourself to be of real value to others.  Someone may even be coming into your life who will show you how to play again – something you may have forgotten as you accepted the responsibilities of growing up.  Dòbhran shows us that being playful can even lead us to catch the salmon***** – the fish prized by the Druids as the totem of wisdom.  Drawing this card also confirms in us the sense that we are truly protected.

*****Looking ahead to Imbolc, it looks like that is when I will have the opportunity to catch the Salmon – and what a perfect time for some “rejuvenation”!

Thursday, 21 October 2010

A Peep at the Emperor…

…if you´re not too chicken!


The Emperor…

…has not been put away since the 3rd October, when he was drawn for my altar.  Sometimes I do that with cards and I can´t exactly explain why.  I´st just a the feeling from the card that it has not finished with me, or, I haven´t done my homework on it.  I´m a great believer these days, that if I work with the energy that is presented to me in the moment, then I will use it to best effect.  So, when I really registered the energy of the Emperor card beside my bed this morning, then later tripped into Dea Animi´s excellent post on The Current Moon in Aries, I was therefore not very surprised to see the Moon in Aries sign on my little Lunabar desktop almanac.  Moon in Aries = Emperor: I knew today that I must work with it. 

I am still trying to get to grips with this astrology thingy and combining it with tarot, whilst it makes perfect sense for adding another layer of depth to the subject, it increases the complexity hand-in-hand.  In this case though, the Cosmic Tribe Emperor gives his Aries roots away with his two ram guardians, one on either side of his shoulder.

It had been my idea to pop the CT Emperor on the screen now, so you could all get an eyeful of him in his full glory ;-}  However, I am sat outside in the glorious sunshine of autumn and so I can´t scan him in at the moment.  Instead, I will attempt to describe the card, as if to someone who has never seen it before – first impression style.  The exercise will do me good!

I´ll start at the top of the card with the solar symbol above the Emperor´s head; so this is a Sun King.

The background of the card is brick red; first of all, this says “passion” to me.  He is passionate about what he does.  On a personal note, this also jogs me about the brochure changes I have to finish for my daughter-in-law´s hair business, Passion Salon.

The Emperor is sat in a room, with a gold-framed door behind him, to his left.  He is looking away from the direction of the door; not looking for a quick exit then.  He is seated and ready for anything.

Under his feet is a carpet of yellowish grass.  It is ankle-deep, yet the colour belies that this is arid territory.  The Emperor rules over a land of fire, “doing”, energy; as opposed to his Empress, who rules over fertile land, with watery, “feeling”, energy.

His solid, carved, wooden throne, with the rams-heads that I have already described, reminds me of a piece of heavy, Victorian furniture, like an old piano, or a commode chair.  This shows that the Emperor is solidly in this world, despite only keeping one foot on the ground.

I´ve just seen another significance to the golden door behind him.  This is the portal to the material world, the world we move about in physically, touch, feel and interact with.  Below the throne is a different portal: to the Underworld we might call it; or the world without form and physicality; the void of all potential; or again, it could be the Emperor´s Shadow, caught in the glare of the sun.  Reaching up from the void is an outstretched hand, that makes ripples in the nothingness.  Against the hand (rather than in the hand) is a green ball, that glows yellow and has an eye looking out from its´ centre.  This is a strange one: the CT deck frequently uses eyes as symbolism of the Cosmic Eye looking out at us (from us?!?).  This makes me think of The Prisoner TV series; “Who is Number One?”  Well, it turns out to be him in the end: and does he survive his madness when he discovers this fact at the end of the series?  You will have to watch it and decide for yourself.

On his head he wears a red and golden crown; symbol of his power, his authority to rule. 

Our man grasps an elaborate, golden sceptre in his right hand, his thumb pressed over the top and his forearm sinews stretched; shows me that his grasps on this potent symbol of his imperial authority, is absolute.

His left hand toys relaxedly with a grapefruit-sized orb, silver coloured with a golden band at the top.  The thing is, he is not holding the orb, but levitating it about five centimetres above his palm!  He is looking away from this activity, so there is no question of his mental focus being maintained on it through his eyes; no he is using his intuition.  Yes, our Emperor knows what exercises he must do to strengthen and balance his intuitive, female side, against his dominant, rational, male side. 

Hmmm, is this guy perfect?  Well, the way he looks, he is certainly all male!  If you are not familiar with the Cosmic Tribe deck, I will warn you now, all the Courts and Majors, plus some of the minors, are nude, very “in your face” nude.  I like them a lot but I equally expect that some of you may loathe them.  The Emperor is the worst offender of all!  Due to his pose, his genitals are in the centre of the card and yes, I do believe that this is significant but I don´t intend to go into it in any more detail – draw your own conclusions!

I must say something about the Emperor´s posture.  He is looking over his right shoulder and the lwb jokes that he could be looking with some irritation or envy at the chaotic beauty that is created by his wife, the Empress.  I couldn´t say about that, but I do know that I´ve read somewhere (possibly the Pollack´s “78 Degrees of Wisdom” that I appear to have leant someone!), that his legs and body position form the alchemical symbol for Jupiter. My little book of Cornish Witchcraft has the following to say about working with Jupiter:  positions of power, leadership, improving social standing, achieving recognition, reward, honour, responsibility, wealth, business success, expansion and legal matters.  These tags could be written into a fairly accurate job description for the role of Emperor.

I found a great thread about this Emperor at Aeclectic Tarot Forum.  If you glance down through the page, you will discover some finer points that I had overlooked, plus some different perspectives on the subject. 

On a finishing note about this particular card, I note that the whole picture is surrounded by a silver picture frame.  The thought amuses me that this card is actually the bedside picture of the Empress :D  However, I actually think it represents the four sides of a rectangle i.e. a symbol for the material world, of physicality again, what is solid and can be felt.  After all, he is the Four!

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Key spread…

While editing my journals, I came across this spread that I designed in 2008.  I am rather fond of key symbolism and usually draw a key in my journal whenever I think I have unveiled a useful insight.  I posted the spread on Aeclectic Tarot Forum at the time and a few people seemed to find it useful:

This is the original journal entry, that includes the cards I drew at the time:


Monday, 4 October 2010


Quotes from the journal that I have been editing today (see for background):

“Swords are brilliant, shining, beautiful, like the best chosen words.”

“Cutting through – to clearer communications.”

Sunday, 3 October 2010

The Death Card by Dea Animi…

…a great new perspective for anyone who sees Death as a “scary” card in a reading.   As a Scorpio, the Death card is my card.  I really enjoyed this post from the Tarot Elements Study Blog (excellent resource btw):


Friday, 1 October 2010

How to see Patterns in a Reading…

…my second “borrowed” post in one day.  Must be slipping!  I found this information at The Tarot School .  I found it very useful and I thought it was worth sharing.


by Peggy Firth, CTM

Tarot cards relate to each other in patterns, and
these patterns influence the overall significance
of a spread as a whole. You may have been reading
each card individually as you turn it over.
However, if you examine a spread for patterns,
they will begin to emerge and reflect a stronger
meaning. Some patterns are obvious and others are
First, see what is missing. If, for example, no
Cups appear in a spread, it may be sending a
message that a relationship may require some
attention, or that your querent has intimacy
issues. If no Pentacles appear, you may see lack
or limitation. A lack of Swords may indicate an
absence of the rational thinking necessary to
solve a problem.
Here are some other things to watch for. The
advantage of this system is that it does not
require detailed knowledge of divinatory meanings.
Suit. If one suit is dominant, your reading will
point towards the issues of that suit. For
example, if Cups are predominant in a spread,
relationships and emotions may well be the primary
Color. Do the colors of the cards in the spread
intuitively feel happy, sad or neutral? This alone
can tell you how things are likely to work out.
Water. Water signifies mystery and the feminine.
Depending on the body of water - a pond, droplets
of water, a waterfall, an ocean, a lake or a cup
of water - this can add depth, softness, flow and
feeling to issues of a reading.
Weather. Do the skies look threatening, full of
light or just neutral?
Flora. Is there an abundance of flowers, trees and
grassy land or are the cards devoid of nature?
Landscape. Desert, mountains, hills and buildings.
Look for multiples that enlarge upon the overall
People. How do people in the cards relate to each
other? Look at the way they are facing towards or
away from each other in a spread. Is there a lot
of fighting, celebrating, ruling, discontent, etc.
Major Arcana. If you have more Major Arcana cards
than you would ordinarily expect, the reading will
take on more importance. The 'pip' cards or Minor
Arcana are often called the mundane cards.
Minor Arcana. If most or all of the cards in a
spread are Minor Arcana you may be able to read
the cards like a comic book, using the above
imagery to help form your reading.
Numbers. Numerology is often used when reading the
tarot. Each number from one to ten represents a
certain value. Numerology has changed over the
decades, and different cultures place different
meanings on the numbers. Higher numbers, including
the Page, Knight, Queen and King represent a more
mature nature.
Elements. The four elements of FIRE, WATER, AIR
and EARTH, associated with the four suits, impact
each other and are a whole system of reading unto
themselves, called Elemental Dignities. Some
research into this subject will yield a lot of
valuable insight.

Symbols. Some of the cards, such as The Chariot,
are full of symbols. Your spread may contain an
abundance of stars or other meaningful symbols
that take on more significance if they appear next
to each other.
Positive, Negative or Neutral Cards. How do the
images make you feel and how do they act next to
each other? You may have dealt a spread full of
images that affect you strongly one way or
another. Remember, an abundance of similar images
accentuates the overall meaning.
Royalty. Elaborate costumes from the Middle Ages
are prevalent in the Rider-Waite deck, and in many
others as well. Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings
were considered above the average person. Today we
might regard them as abstract symbols of maturity,
power, strength and influence.
As you read all of the ways that relationships
between the cards can affect a reading, you might
feel a bit overwhelmed at first. However, those
relationships are valuable additions to overall
interpretation, and will be helpful in determining
your feelings about a spread. Whatever immediately
strikes you in these patterns is your subconscious
or higher mind revealing an important message.
You should trust your first response.

Visit Peggy Firth on the web at

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Six of Swords – comparative…

After all the fiery stuff I wrote about yesterday, today was all Swords.  I actually pulled the 4 of Swords for today and as I cut the deck, the 3 of Swords slid out behind it.  When I put the deck back, the 6 of Swords was the shadow card on the bottom of the pile.  The significance of the 4 today was pretty obvious as I had not been feeling well for a bit and needed a little time in quiet reflection to centre myself.  The 3 also was pretty clear: it is my personal “card of the year” (yeh, great, NOT) and it was giving me a nudge about some stuff I need to let go of.  However, the 6 of Swords was the one that really jumped out and was the card I decided to work with.

The Cosmic Tribe 6 of Swords is definitely not conventional: nothing like the RWS for example and not a boat in sight.  However, as I have been spending loads of time on the computer recently and I am having technical problems with the beast, the blend of circuitry and blue sky really caught my attention.  It seemed to be reminding me to strike a balance between the creative push I am having online, and getting outside into the fresh air.  I remembered that the lwb calls this card “Interpenetrating Worlds” which is nothing like the more traditional meanings.  A quick glance at a comparison between the 6 in all the decks I own, shows how differently this card can be interpreted (Cosmic Tribe is in the bottom right):


Osho Zen, in the top left, calls this card “The Burden”.  Now, if you focus on the man rowing in the RWS, his passengers could seem to him to be a burden, although most people focus on the woman and child when analysing this card.  The Goddess deck in the top right has nobody steering the boat and the Arthurian, bottom left, just shows an empty boat and focuses more on the “journey” aspect of this card, than the potential problems and issues of the people who are undertaking it. 

If you compare more decks, the 6 is shown with even more, quite wild interpretations.  Unfortunately, due to potential copyright infringement, I cannot show you a picture of the decks I do not own that I compared for my journal.  However, here is a list and a very brief description, plus a link where you can view it in most cases:

Thoth: A geometric arrangement of the 6 swords pointing to the centre with a cross and a grid of lines behind.  The cross suggests “faith” to me.

Bohemian Gothic: The passenger in this boat seems to be asleep in the boat, giving a dream-like feel to the card.

Sol Invictus: The oarsman in this boat is seated whereas the passenger, a naval officer, is standing, hand on heart, as he is rowed towards an island: a mermaid guiding the way.  I wonder if the native who is rowing, regards his passenger as a “burden”.

Healing: This card has the key word “determination”, which is demonstrated by the upright posture of the person rowing the boat and the way he is looking straight ahead at his destination.

Robin Wood: The boat on this card is swan-shaped providing a graceful passage for the traveller.  A ghostly figure watches the boat – maybe the past haunting him?

Phantasmagoric Theatre:  I can´t find an online image of this card, which is a pity because it is perhaps the strangest of the bunch.  A happy looking figure stands on the top of a tower and waves 6 swords overhead.  From the base of his tower, a staircase spirals up to another tower.  A door is open at the top of these stairs and a dejected figure looks down the stairs.  I haven´t a clue about this card and if anybody has the deck and can enlighten me, I would be really pleased to hear from you!

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

A of W again & something “pops”…

…I draw the Cosmic Tribe Ace of Wands for the second time in 4 days and yesterday´s card was the Knight! 
I realise that with the passing of Mabon last week, I should now be into the Hallowquest realm of Cups.  I didn´t even give it a passing thought; no ritual, no acknowledgement of the date even.  Equinox and full moon were almost ignored in this household.  I am still using the Cosmic Tribe deck and the very fiery Wands are demanding my immediate attention.
Alright, alright … I´m paying attention now.
When I drew the Ace on Saturday, I felt my Queen of Swords aspect trying to assimilate the card´s  significance with intellect alone.  Drawing the very cheeky Knight yesterday must have given me the necessary spirit to, at last, receive the message.  I´ll be honest, when the Ace came out this morning, I felt disappointment.  I am quickly bored and when I decide to draw one card a day, I like it to be different. There are 78 cards to chose from, so I think it´s reasonable to expect a card that hasn´t come up for a while. 
I didn´t give it too much thought at the time; I just got on with the morning.  I had some seeds to sort out first thing, for planting later.  I therefore had to move a box that had been gathering dust in the corner since spring.  That prompted S. to clear out that corner; which in turn, inspired me to take everything off the dresser and give it a long-overdue wash-down…
…and that´s when I heard the “pop” – or rather sensed it.  Some people may have said “something clicked into place” because suddenly it felt like I had completed a major part of the puzzle.  I remember now that I skipped the Wands Hallowquest at Litha; “not up to it physically” was the message from Merlin and the Stone Realm.  The Sword Knight didn´t think that I was up to the tests and challenges of the Lands Adventurous and I agreed.  Physically, I am sedentary by nature, which makes it crazy that I live in a place like I do, that demands so much more than I feel able to give.  What changed the situation was August´s Boom Festival – the most physically demanding thing I have done since I don´t know when.  Walking 10+ km a day, every day, for a full week, is the equivalent of a year´s exercise for me (I´m ashamed to admit).  Completing it was like an initiation test (there is so much more I could say on this, than I am prepared to write about now). 
No wonder the Wands started to show up in force from the last moon cycle that started with the New Moon in Virgo on the 8th September: the Queen, Princess and Prince (twice), as well as the Knight yesterday, Ace twice and the Two, plus Death, which in this deck is also surrounded in a halo of fire – I think this is pretty clear.  Working with the Wands (Spear realm) now should help to burn up some physical energy and with the Death card (my card, as I am a Scorpio), can at last clear away some of the stagnant energy that has been holding S. and I stuck for some time.
I now realise that I am continuing to work on the Hallowquest course, even when using other decks.  I have read the book enough times and attempted to complete the course for 10 years – the course work is inside me now.  It integrates with the other study I do; Christine Jette´s “Tarot Shadow Work” and Gabrielle Roth´s “Maps To Ecstacy” are two I am using at the moment.  This is why I felt moved to bring all the tarot-related posts under this blog – it makes sense now.  I have done enough of the deep digging that Scorpios are noted for and can now begin to pull the work together into a whole.  Wholistic!

Sunday, 26 September 2010

The Queens and Me…

Top-1 …I am:

Queen of Disks – when I am aware of my physical needs and am fully in my body.

Queen of Cups (my astro. significator) – when I am aware of my emotions and let them flow freely, accepting them and not judging them.

Queen of Swords – when I use my mind and do not let ego cause me to succumb to mind using me.

Queen of Wands – when I follow the excitement, because she is the essence of my pure spirit.

Ace of Wands…

Top …I´ve been drawing a study card daily from the  Cosmic Tribe deck since the last new moon.  Yesterday´s draw, the Ace of Wands, suggested creativity to me and taking this tarot related blog on a slightly different path.  Instead of restricting posts to study work from Hallowquest: The Arthurian Tarot Course, I have decided to widen it to include any tarot work at all; readings, study decks, inspirations, ideas for my own deck etc.

In future, I will not be including any tarot related posts on my other blog, Way Past 13 Moons.  Rather than moving old posts across, I include here a link to a list of all past tarot entries on that blog, for anyone who may be interested.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Arthur´s special deal... with the following 4 cards from the Spear realm; these are the ones I have the most urgent need to address, he says. Then tomorrow, I may side-step the Spear realm (leaving developing my healing to the Hare, Geàrr) and work instead this quarter with the Stone realm. For, as a wise Cornishwoman once told me 'En hav per ko guav' (In Summer, think of Winter), and that´s what I intend to do. For I have discovered, that conventionality doesn´t always work for me - I have to do things my own way.
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Monday, 21 June 2010

Investiture of the Sword

I laid this out last night. It´s the first time I have ever done this layout and it is very interesting to view the cards in this way. It´s a massive meditation to complete, so I am doing it in stages. This means the Sword realm still has a little work for me to do before I can launch into the Spear realm.
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Sunday, 20 June 2010

Approach to Litha

At Solstice Eve, a time for final reflections on my visit to the Sword Realm this year:
Once again, I fell behind in the lessons. Unwilling to repeat some and still stuck on others, I decided to avoid beating myself up about this and instead use some more imaginative and original ideas to get better acquainted with the Realm guarded by The Lady of The Lake. This included using the Swords´ Higher Powers in a shadow reading, keeping the Swords on my altar, calling on the Sword Royals more, especially using them as guides in a more personal way, by meditating with them. I had several encounters with them while out and about and they were very helpful.

Here is the summary for each card I came up with as an "end of term" test:
Ace - A challenge; a new way of seeing things; being open to change; a chance to see things as they really are.
Two - A choice; going within to make a decision; unable to decide; being blinkered; unwilling to change.
Three - A loss; letting go of something valued in order to progress; grieving and recovery after loss; understanding that all things must pass.
Four - A recovery; a time of quiet meditation in order to refresh the mind, body and spirit; withdrawal to clear the mind.
Five - A defeat; the aftermath of a conflict and coming to terms with it.
Six - A journey; safe passage as you move into changing circumstances.
Seven - A deceit; being the vicim or purpetrator of a deceit; deceiving oneself; something is not what it seems.
Eight - A mental trap; becoming, or feeling stuck or bogged down; unhelpful thinking; feeling a victim of circumstances.
Nine - A troubled mind; long, dark night of the soul; problems stacked up unresolved.
Ten - A closure; an issue completely and finally at an end; karmic issues to be faced up to; not accepting responsibility for a situation we created; finally seeing and accepting the truth for what it is.
Maiden - The part of me ready to accept change must happen; a guide through the process of change.
Knight - The part of me that learns; a guide to help me stay alert and focus on the current lesson.
Queen - The part of me that has intuitive knowing of my role in this incarnation; a guide to understanding the natural order of things and my place in it.
King - The part of me that is committed to understanding; a fatherly guide to keep me steered on course.
Lady of the Lake - Teacher of the divine mysteries; holds the sacred book wherein our life-plans are written; the divine feminine in her otherworldly guise.
The White Hart - Teaches us about our relationships, both with our lovers, family and friends, and also with our spiritual aspects.
The Round Table - The cycles of time and space that we are limited by and the teachings to help us transcend them; understanding the cyclical nature of all things.
The Cauldron - Teaches us to blend different aspects of ourselves to produce something new, greater than the sum of the parts.
The Moon - The dreamtime teacher who shows us the shadow side of our nature and puts us in touch with occult and esoteric. Has the ability to deceive us and create illusions.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Continuing with the Sword Court

  • The part of me that is the Sword Maiden, knows I must either make improvements to my diet, posture and exercise or continue to suffer increasing physical discomfort as I age.

  • The part of me that is the Sword Knight, has learnt to create a personal strength out of a former defect of character.

  • The part of me that is the Sword Queen, knows my true purpose is to heal and be healed.

  • The part of me that is the Sword King, wants to know why things are the way they are.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Sword Court

  • Sword Maiden is the part of me that knows when change must come.
  • Sword Knight is the part of me that learns.
  • Sword Queen is the part of me that knows my true purpose.
  • Sword King is the part of me committed to understanding.

White Hart´s gift

He presents me with a chair; he is offering me a ride and a safe passage.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Decked Out in Sword Queen´s Colours

Spring flowers, with a predominance of yellows and purples, turn my thoughts to the Sword Queen.
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Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Sword Queen meditation

Survived a duel tonight; Sword Queen versus Grail Queen. This Grail Queen took a little bruising from the Sword Queen but held her own.
Lessons learned;
  • remember the spaces, DO breathe
  • fair share of the conversation, but DON´T be bullied
  • DO allow equal validaty to both individuals AND DO challenge anything that conflicts with my views.
  • DO know when it is appropriate and necessary to call on a friend that can help me AND DO accept that in asking for help I am effectively dumping my problem on them.
  • DO remember to show appreciation but DO NOT be effusive as, in a true friendship, these things have a way of balancing out.

Monday, 12 April 2010

Lesson 9 - Sword Knight, Four and Five

What lays trapped within me?

Friday, 2 April 2010

Lesson 11 - Sword Queen, 6 & 7 - Questions

This is the Sword Queen I felt drawn to work with today - Cosmic Tribe. I was thinking of the rules I accept in my life and this card inspires me to consider "rules" as a gift, rather than a restriction on my life.
I am dancing about a bit in the Hallowquest course, although keeping withing the Sword Realm. Lacking the discipline to follow the course sequencially, so instead I am just going with the flow. Here are my answers to Sword Queen´s questions, 1-4:
  1. What training do you most need to be effective in your life? I need a facilitator; Chi Kung, Tai Chi, 5 rythems - even swimming. Someone to encourage me to overcome this physical block.
  2. How would you describe yourself to others? Right now, I would say I was quite messed-up. My self-esteem is low. Too much unfinished "stuff" around me.
  3. Are you a defensive or forthright person? Again, being asked dright in this moment, I find myself to be very defensive.
  4. What is passing away from your life right now? Youth - drive, enthusiasm, energy, health.

What a depressing and downbeat set of answers to these questions. Not very happy with myself at the moment.

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Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Monday, 29 March 2010

Lesson 7 Meditation - Sword Maiden, Sword Two and Sword Three

I step into the sword realm and wander up the path from the sword castle, over the hills until I come upon the Sword Maiden. I am amazed she is so young – only about 10 or 11 I guess. She is absorbed in her handiwork and I sit on a nearby stone and watch her for a while. For one so young, she is not easily distracted and sits without fidgiting – unlike me! Her work is very fine and detailed. After some 15 minutes, she sets down her work and smiles at me. I can tell she knows all about me, which she confirms by showing me the scabbard she is weaving. It contains scenes from my life – every time I was faced with a major decision, she has recorded it and the outcome.

I ask her why I feel so fearful, and what I can do about it. She tells me that some fear is useful. "It warns us when we are in danger or are about to step into something hard to handle." "Yes" she continues, "yet you must not let fear rule your life. You know you have things you should be doing to move your quest forward and you are afraid to do them because it encroaches on what you think is more important to you. Yet it is avoidance. It you are to continue to walk your path with S, you must be prepared to dedicate your time to the needs of you both. In other words, it´s time tnow to accept that you are a bit selfish! You feel that what you have to do is harder than what he has to do, but that is not a fair appraisal. When you hit a barrier or wall of bricks, you must knock them down one by one – and keep at it – one try is not enough. Remember, to eat an elephant, you must make it into elephant burgers to eat one at a time." I don´t really like to hear this; it makes me uncomfortable but I sit and think about it for a while, before I am ready to move on.

The Sword Maiden gives me a strand of her hair – a deep, flaxen gold. She says to tie it around my finger to remind me to keep going and not give in to weakness when my fears arise. She leads me on down the path until we come to a valley with woodland on either side. She tells me that this is the battleground between the big, strong trolls with little brains, selfishly guarding their right to “do their own thing” and the tiny little dwarves, who know how to work fearlessly and cooperatively but don´t have the strength to pull it off. Both of these “enemies” are doing battle inside my mind.

The Sword Maiden bids me goodbye and I thank her thoughtfully. I can hear the trolls in the tall pinewood grumbling about not having enough time to do just what they want, when they want. I´m also aware of the dwarves in the deep, dark oakwood, saying things like, "If only she would isten to us, we could help her get things done, but we´re so tiny she doesn´t take any notice."

Under my feet the path is slippery and muddy. I am on dodgy ground if I don´t take action to get those trolls in order and help out the dwarves. I see an adder by the side of the path. I am reminded that I have “snake totem” within me and that snake can help me transmute – shedding my old worn-out scales and revealing a beautiful, shiny, supple skin. I ask adder what guidance he can give me. He says that I should slip into a new skin everytime I feel weak and small and need strength. He means that I should prepare myself for any difficult task I have to do, by getting into the right frame of mind and putting myself in order i.e. get smart and tidy, clear the decks, have everything to hand and “go for it”.

I walk onward reflectively until the landscape changes to rocks and ravines. I hear some falling rocks ahead on the path and I can see them tumbling from the broken bridge ahead. I don´t want to go on to the Bridge of Loss. I feel I´ve let go of enough in the recent changes of the last few years and I feel like giving up. What will happen when I cross over? I know that once I leave something behind there is no way back to how things were – that for every loss of concession, there are both gains and deficits. I remember Susan Jeffer´s “no lose decision” model in “Feel The Fear” and know I must “go for it”. I stand on the bridge and look down into the ravine. This is the time my knees go weak. I can feel my strength leave me and I am like jelly. I fall to my knees on the bridge and I crouch there for seemingly ages; almost hoping the whole thing would go, taking me with it and putting an end to my worries.

Evenually, I regain control of my breathing and begin to pull myself up. I have something in my hand I must let go of. It´s a scrap of paper, screwed up. I open it. It says “This fear does not serve you well – let it go!”. I screw up the paper again and throw it into the ravine, still taking care not to step too close to the edge. Well, it was just a bit of paper, yet somehow it must have been heavy baggage because I feel somewhat lightened of heart and ready to press on.

I turn back in to the rain in “my world” and step back from the Otherworld into this. I ground myself to the and thank the Sword Maiden again for being my guide.

Friday, 26 March 2010

Lesson 6 Questions - The Realm of the Sword

Felt inspired to have a go at answering these questions today using the "cut -up" technique. I was quite pleased with the results.Posted by Picasa

Thursday, 25 March 2010